Monday, January 31, 2011

Feeling Guilty...

Seems like someone is always waiting for me these days. Waiting to be petted... Waiting to play... Waiting to be fed... Waiting for a much loved and much needed walk... Sorry guys! :( Mommy still loves you very much. She's just been really busy with the baby lately. But once the weather warms up we'll get out more, Promise. You were my first babies, I haven't completely forgotten about you. (OK, maybe I did just a little bit..., Boo.) Wanna cookie?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well, Hello.

Sometimes you find something rare and beautiful where you least expect it. Like a peacock. At a winery. :)

And how was your Chardonnay, Sir?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Sometimes I wish I lived in Montana so we'd get tons of snow every winter. I'd run around in cozy boots, big wooley sweaters and drink steaming cups of hot cocoa fireside all day long. Then I remember that I hate driving in snow, it looks ugly after the first day and that I can't walk the dogs or baby in it so I'm stuck inside till it melts. But it's still very pretty and peaceful.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Here's to the New Year...

May 2011 bring you peace, time for reflection and the love of those you treasure most.